Vehicle fleet management in the age of technology

Vehicle fleet management has leveraged technology to achieve tremendous savings for fleet owners. Telematics systems now suggest routes to drivers in real time and allow pinpoint tracking of mileage and maintenance decisions.

Skills in Class
Driver Retention
Operational Efficiency
Financial Management

Vehicle fleet management has leveraged technology to achieve tremendous savings for fleet owners. Telematics systems now suggest routes to drivers in real time and allow pinpoint tracking of mileage and maintenance decisions. Reports and analysis abound and all of this technology has provided vehicle fleet management that was unimaginable only a few years ago. But does all this technology come at a price?

With sophisticated monitoring of individual driver’s habits like speed and idle time, the reality is that drivers are under the microscope. One of the vehicle fleet management challenges is continuing to provide the personal touch amid this flurry of technology. At a time when much driver communication and many routine decision making processes are increasingly dictated by technology, there is an increased need for management outreach and communication in the field of vehicle fleet management. All team members, from drivers to maintenance technicians are being impacted by technology. Managers need to remember to communicate thoroughly with all fleet associates and fully explain new equipment, new software and new vehicle fleet management policies. Training sessions and frequent in-person communication may seem old fashioned, but can be highly effective vehicle fleet management.

Especially when implementing new initiatives, keeping the personal touch in vehicle fleet management can pay big dividends. Better driver understanding of vehicle fleet management guidelines leads to better compliance and increased savings to the bottom line. Better technician understanding of your new maintenance schedules and vehicle cycling will lead to better performance. In this brave new world of vehicle fleet management technology, sometimes the personal touch can be one of the fleet manager’s most effective tools.

Skills covered in the class

Driver Retention

Keeping your drivers safe, productive and happy.

Operational Efficiency

Ensuring your fleet is performing at its highest level at the lowest possible cost.


Appreciating how the evolution of mobility via TaaS (transportation as a service), last-mile, smart cities, etc. are impacting the future of fleets.

Financial Management

Monitoring and understanding the TCO of each of your vehicles and your fleet's overall ROI.

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